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Unsweetened Shredded Coconut
Coconut is a highly nutritious seed of coconut palm tree, which is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It's used to flavor many cuisines in India, Southeast Asia, Africa, and South America.

Coconut seed has a outer hard layer that is non-edible. The soft and white middle layer is fleshy and juicy and is mainly used for eating and cooking. The inner part of coconut is liquid called coconut water is a popular refreshing drink.

Coconut in shredded or powdered form is naturally sweet. The distinctive sweet and rich aroma of coconut changes to nutty when roasted, which makes it perfect for making or topping desserts and candies. Grated coconut is also used in soups and curries in India.

Coconut is also consumed in the form of coconut milk, flour, and oil. Coconut milk is a rich and flavorful liquid used in cooking all kinds of foods, such as meats, fish, vegetables, and rice. Coconut flour, which is ground coconut meat, is used for baking, such as coconut bread and coconut pancakes, or making crust on fried chicken, shrimp, or fish recipes. Coconut in the form of coconut oil is also used for various purposes, such as cooking, medicines, and beauty products, in many South Asian countries

You can buy shredded coconut at any grocery store or supermarkets or buy online at You can also look for other online resources for more options.
Cardamom Powder
Coming Soon...
Sweetened Condensed Milk
Humans learned to consume other animals’ milk when they started domesticating the animals for meat and skins. It was discovered later that the domestic animals can be used for getting milk too. (Humans started drinking other animals’ milk sometime between 9000 - 8000 BC.)

Gradually, humans discovered that milk can be transformed into different forms, such as butter, yogurt, and cheese. Later, they became more skilled and started collecting greater quantities of milk and found new ways to concentrate and preserve its nourishment.

The milk that we use for cooking, including Sweetened Condensed Milk, serves primarily as a source of moisture, and adds flavor and body to the food. Sugar in the milk encourages browning while salts contribute to protein coagulation.

Sweetened condensed milk contains concentrated protein and sugar, which help it caramelize at temperatures as low as boiling point of water. This makes it a favorite shortcut to creamy caramel sauce and base for cooking several desserts.

It’s a common practice to put the can in a pot of boiling water or a warm oven and let it brown inside, which is potentially dangerous. Since any trapped air in the can will expand on heating and may cause the can to burst open. It’s safer to empty the can into an open utensil and then heat it on the stovetop, in the oven, or in the microwave.

You can find sweetened condensed milk at any grocery store, or buy it online at You can also look for other online resources for more options.

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Lori Bruner
Made the laddoos this weekend. My family loved it!