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Spinach was first domesticated in Persia (modern day Iran), and is most productive in climates without extremes of temperature, rain, and snow. It is the most popular leafy vegetable (in addition to lettuce), mainly due to its tender texture and mild flavor when eaten raw or lightly cooked. Spinach gained most popularity in 1930s in the United States due to a famous comic character Popeye, who loved spinach and gained superhuman strength from spinach. Popeye spinach is still one of the largest spinach selling brands in America.

Spinach comes in three varieties:

Flat-leaf spinach is the most popular type of spinach in the US, because of its smooth leaves, tender texture, and slightly sweet flavor. It is sold loose or pre-washed and packaged in supermarkets and is eaten raw as well as cooked. Baby spinach (popular in supermarkets) is a type of flat-leaf spinach that is harvested young for its small, tender, and sweet flavor. Flat-leaf spinach is also sold as canned and frozen spinach and is used in processed foods, soups, and baby foods.

Savory spinach has deep green and wrinkled curly leaves. It tastes bitter as compared to flat-leaf spinach and is not ideal for eating raw. Because of its crisp texture and bitter taste it taste best when cooked. It is sold in fresh bunches in supermarkets.

Semi-savory spinach - It is similar to savory spinach in taste with less wrinkled or curly leaves. It also tastes best on cooking because of its bitter taste and crisp texture. It is hybrid between savory and flat-leaf spinach and is sold in fresh bunches or in processed form in supermarkets.

Spinach is a low calorie food rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is considered one of the world’s healthiest vegetables. It is an excellent source of Vitamins K, A, B12, B6, E, and C, manganese, folate, magnesium, iron, copper, calcium, and potassium. The antioxidants in spinach act as anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer agents.

When buying spinach, choose the vibrant green leaves and stems with no signs of yellowing or wilting. Also, avoid those that have slimy coating as this is a sign of decay. Store spinach in a plastic bag or box releasing out as much air as possible, and refrigerate it. It lasts for a week to 10 days in refrigerator.
Bell Pepper
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Mint Leaves
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Potato is the world’s 4th largest food crop following rice, wheat, and corn. Potatoes were first cultivated in Peru and Bolivia around 8,000 BC to 5,000 BC. The Inca Indians in Peru discovered a way to dehydrate and mash the potatoes, which they could store for a long time, and hence, potatoes became staple food in Peru.

In the mid-16th century, Spanish conquered Peru. They discovered the goodness of potatoes and carried them to Europe. Due its plain look and bland taste, people in Europe did not accept it as food and started using potatoes as livestock feed. However, the farmers in Europe found it easier to grow potatoes than other crops, hence potatoes became popular food crop there as well. Gradually, it spread around the world and has become staple food in many countries. Today, potato is grown in all 50 states in the USA and more than 125 countries throughout the world.

There are many varieties of potatoes categorized into starchy, waxy, and all-purpose types:

Starchy - Starchy potatoes are high in starch, low in moisture, and do not hold their shape well after cooking. Idaho Russet and Katahdin are examples of starchy potatoes. They are good for boiling, baking, and frying, but are not recommended for dishes like potato salads and casseroles which require firm-textured potatoes.

Waxy - Waxy potatoes are low in starch and are creamy and firm. They hold their shape after cooking. Red Bliss, Inca Gold, Fingerling, and New Potatoes are a few examples of waxy potatoes. This variety is excellent for cooking dishes that require firm potatoes, such as casseroles, potato salads, and gratin and can also be used for roasting, baking, boiling, and frying.

All-purpose - These potatoes are mild in starch; the starch content is more than waxy variety and less than starchy variety. All-purpose potatoes can be used for any cooking applications. Yukon gold and purple peruvian are examples of all-purpose potato.

Due to their mildly sweet taste, potatoes can be cooked in combination with other vegetables, meats, or spices to absorb their flavors and add impart its mild-sweetness to the dishes.
When buying, look for firm and clean potatoes with no discoloration, molds, or bruises. Store potatoes in a cool, dry, and ventilated place away from sunlight. The ideal temperature for storing potatoes is 50 degrees Fahrenheit or 10 degrees Celsius. An unheated basement or closet can be ideal for storing potatoes. At this temperature, potatoes will last for months. Storing potatoes at a temperature below 50 degrees Fahrenheit will convert its starch into sugar quickly, and you will end up with sweet tasting potatoes. On the other hand, higher temperature speeds up sprouting, water loss, and less firm potatoes. It’s recommended to buy less potatoes and use them quickly if you cannot store them at or around 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

Potatoes are gluten free, good source of carbohydrates, and are full of nutritional benefits needed for a healthy lifestyle. They are rich in minerals, such as potassium, iron, magnesium, calcium, and zinc, which help in building strong bones and maintaining a good blood pressure. They are also low in sodium and cholesterol and high in vitamin C and B6 that reduce inflammation and risk of heart disease. Fiber in potatoes promote a healthy digestive tract. Phytochemicals (antioxidants) along with vitamin C help prevent damage due to formation of free radicals.
Corn Starch
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Cumin Seeds
Native to the Mediterranean regions and northern Africa, cumin has been cultivated for thousands of years in the Middle East, India, China and the Mediterranean. Cumin is one of the most consumed spices in the world.

Cumin is a drought tolerant and grows best in warm, dry climates. Ideal temperatures for growing cumin is between 77°F to 86°F. Depending on the location, cumin has a growing season of 3 to 4 months. The plant produces small white or pink flowers and dark green seed pods. The seeds are harvested when the plant starts to wilt and the seed pods changes from dark green to brownish yellow.

India has been the largest producer of cumin with around 75% of the total crop produced, followed by Syria, Turkey, Iran, and China.

Cumin is used to in various curry powders and spice blends to flavor dishes in India, Middle East, Mexico, Portugal, and Spain. Cumin adds nutty and spicy taste to the grilled meat, soups and stews, sausages, pickles, and rice and bean dishes. It is also used to make liqueur - an alcoholic drink consumed after meal. Oil of cumin is used in fragrances.

Cumin can be used as whole seed or in powdered form that are easily available in grocery stores or can be made at home by grinding the cumin seeds. Many people prefer to buy cumin seeds over powder because seeds last longer at room temperature and it’s very easy to ground cumin seeds into powder.

Cumin seeds last for about an year whereas cumin powder lasts for about six months at room temperature. Store the cumin seeds or powder in a tight lid jar in a cool, dark, and dry place. If you do not use it often in your cooking then keep the seeds or powder in the freezer to last up to 2 years.

In addition to adding flavor to the dishes, cumin helps in digestion and digestive problems. The essential oil in cumin activates the salivary glands in mouth that helps in primary digestion of food. The presence of essential oil, sodium, and magnesium in cumin provides relief from stomach aches. The essential oil in cumin also relieves stress and anxiety and helps inducing sleep. Presence of caffeine in combination with essential oil loosen up and eliminate mucus and phlegm in respiratory tract, which help to heal the initial condition leading to respiratory disorders such as asthma.

Packaged cumin seeds are available in Indian and South Asian grocery stores. Some of the popular brands of cumin seeds are SWAD, Frontier, Deep, and Nirav. You may also find it in supermarkets or gourmet markets. It is available at online grocery stores such as, where you will be able to choose from several brands.
Thai Chili (Optional)
Thai chili pepper, also known as the Bird’s Eye or Bird pepper is one of the hottest chili peppers. It is small in size and high in heat and pungency. It is native to Mexico, Central America, and South America and is most commonly found in South Asia and Southeast Asia. It is a standard ingredient in South Asian and Southeast Asian cuisines and is used to add heat and spiciness to food.

In whole, chopped, or ground form, it is used to flavor curries, stews and soups, salads, hot sauces, marinades, rubs for barbecue, and seafood dishes. Chopped peppers with whole seeds add most heat and spiciness to the dishes, and it is a popular way of garnishing the savory dishes and salads in South Asian and Southeast Asian countries. To get mild spiciness and yet maintain the flavor and aroma of the chili peppers, completely remove the seeds and blanch the peppers.

Thai chili peppers ripen from green to orange and finally to bright red. The chili peppers at each stage are great for consumption and can also be used in combination. The mature red thai chili peppers are used in fresh as well as dried form. After harvesting, they are dried in sun for about 1 to 2 weeks, depending on the climate. They dry faster in climates with even sunlight and low moisture. Dried peppers have different flavor than fresh peppers and are chewy in texture. Dried red thai chili peppers are also ground to make red chili powder.

Thai chili peppers are sold in most of the supermarkets and Indian and South Asian grocery stores in the US. If not available, they can be replaced with serrano peppers. Store fresh thai chili peppers in a plastic bag, releasing as much air as possible, and refrigerate them. They will last for about 2 weeks in refrigerator. Store dried red thai chili peppers in a tightly closed jar in a dry and cool place, away from sunlight. They last for about a year if not in contact with moisture.
Salt is a mineral composed of a chemical compound called sodium chloride. It is essential for human body to regulate fluid balance and to control function of nerves and muscles. Human body cannot produce its own salt and depends on various sources of salt in food for necessary daily intake.

In addition to being just a diet supplement, salt helps in extracting the real flavors of savory as well as sweet dishes. No other seasoning has been found so fulfilling to replace salt. However, the overuse of salt results into a lot of health problems, such as hypertension, heart disease, and strokes. Use salt mildly in your food to you can enjoy its goodness.
Frozen or Fresh Peas
Native to north africa, western asia, and middle east, peas were first cultivated in middle east about 10,000 years ago. Gradually, pea cultivation spread out to Europe and East and South Asia. Today, peas are commercially cultivated worldwide. Canada is the largest producer and exporter of peas. Canada produces about 3 million tons of peas annually.

Pea plant needs temperature below 81 degrees Fahrenheit or 27 degrees Celsius to grow and can endure temperatures at freezing point or below. Therefore, in the places that are hot in summer, pea are planted in the fall to grow through the winter whereas in the places with mild or cool summer, peas are planted during spring to grow through the summer.

There are three types of peas to chose from:

Garden Peas - Garden peas are small and round green ball that are hard and fibrous. The peas completely fill the pods when fully grown. This variety of peas need to be shelled before eating as the pods are hard and non edible. These are the traditional variety of peas, also called english peas or shelling peas (as they must be shelled to be eaten). Garden peas can be eaten straight out of pods and do not required to be cooked. Consume garden peas with 5 days of harvesting as they do not store well longer. Garden peas are the most nutritious variety of peas.

Snow Peas - Snow peas, also known as sugar peas, have flat pods and small peas. Both the pods and the peas inside are sweet and edible. The snow peas can be eaten raw or stir fried. It’s very popular in chinese stir fried dishes.

Snap Peas - Snap peas are cross between garden and sugar peas.The peas fill the pods a little bit and the pods are plump and round like garden peas; however, the pods are sweet and edible like sugar peas. These can be eaten raw or stir fried.

Peas are used as vegetable in the fresh, frozen, or canned form. Ripe dried peas are consumed whole, split, or made into flour. Peas can be used in salad, as a part of side dish, in curry-based dishes, or in soups.

Peas are low in calories and excellent source of B vitamins that helps promote a healthy metabolism and reduces the risk of Alzheimer's and heart stroke. protein and also contain iron and zinc. Peas are also a good source of protein and certain minerals such as calcium, iron, copper, and zinc. Consumption of peas on a regular basis help lower cholesterol and support strong bones.
Native to Southeastern Asia, Ginger is popularly used as a spice and medicine in both eastern and western cultures. Ginger was used by ancient Romans and later, after the fall of Roman Empire, was traded in Europe by Arabs who took over the spice trade. Ginger became very expensive like other spices, and in medieval times, was traded in preserved form to make sweet treats.

For many years, ginger has been used to flavor a wide variety of food, from meats and sausages to fish and vegetables, and various curries as well as drinks and desserts. Fresh ginger can be used as sliced, crushed, or as paste.

Ginger has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties; therefore, it’s used in traditional medicine to cure a variety of ailments, such as, gastrointestinal distress, motion sickness, arthritis, and cold and flu. Cooking food with small quantity of ginger on a regular basis also adds to health benefits.

The distinct flavor and medicinal property of ginger comes from gingerols, shogaols, and zingerone. Fresh ginger contains gingerol an anti-inflammatory compound that is believed to help in reducing osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis pain, if consumed on a regular basis. It may also prevent growth of certain cancer. Gingerol is transformed into shogaols when dried and cooked. Also, when ginger is cooked gingerol and shogaols is transformed into zingerone. Due to the presence of zingerone, food cooked with ginger has a sweet and spicy flavor. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of zingerone help in prevention and cure of many medical problems. Dry ginger alone has strong flavor due to shogaols used in many medicines as well as compliments cookies, cakes, and candies recipes, and tea and drinks.

In addition to the use for culinary and medicinal purposes, ginger is also used to fragrance many soaps and cosmetics.

Ginger is sold in many forms in supermarkets, such as fresh, dried, powdered, preserved, crystallized, and as oil. You will find ginger paste, a popular way of using ginger to make curries in Asian countries, in Asian and South Asian grocery stores. Be sure to use ginger in the recipe in the form it’s advised. For example, if a recipe calls for fresh ginger, it cannot be replaced with dry or powdered or other types. Each form of ginger has a distinct taste and different purpose.

Ginger is best stored as whole and unpeeled in a sealed plastic bag in refrigerator. If part of the ginger has been cut or peeled, be sure to dry it before storing. Other forms of ginger are mainly packaged and need to be stored as per instructions by the seller.
Cilantro is the leaves and stem of coriander plant native to Southeastern Europe and is cultivated in Egypt, Middle East, China, India, and Turkey. It is also called coriander and Chinese parsley. You must know that cilantro (leaves and stems) and coriander seed/powder come from same plant, but they have very different flavor and cannot be substituted for each other.

Cilantro is widely used in Asian, Mexican, Latin American, and Caribbean cooking. It is mostly used to season savory and highly spicy dishes. It is either added to the dishes while they are cooking or just topped on the dishes for presentation. You can also add chopped cilantro to salads or dips.

The deep green cilantro leaves contains significant amount of antioxidants and essential oils, dietary fiber, and vitamins A, C, beta carotene, and K. It is also a good source of minerals, such as iron, potassium, and calcium. One teaspoon of green chutney made with cilantro provides daily value of iron intake. It also helps in detoxification.

Cilantro is also said to be a natural preservative, because it slows down the oxidation process and spoilage of food in which it is added. The leaves are also antibacterial in nature.

Cilantro is sold in bunches and can be found year-round in most of the grocery stores. A good quality cilantro is bright green and not wilted or drooped by loosing moisture. Store cilantro in a plastic bag in the crisper section of your refrigerator.
Breadcrumbs are small particles made by grating or coarsely grinding bread slices. They are used in a versatile ways in cooking, such as binding meatballs and kofta kebabs, thickening sauces, stuffing poultry, topping casseroles, and coating meats, fish, and vegetables for frying. Breadcrumbs adds volume and provides crispy and crunchy texture or coating to the dishes.

Breadcrumbs can be dry or fresh, based on the way they are made. Dry breadcrumbs are easily available in a number of brands in grocery stores and supermarkets. However, to make dry bread crumbs at home:

- Remove the crust of bread slices and spread them in a single layer on a baking sheet.
- Bake them in an oven at 350 degree Fahrenheit to remove moisture. Turn it over a few times to be baked on both sides.
- Remove from the oven when they turn light brown, dry and crispy.
- Let them cool down and then grate them or process in a food processor using a steel blade to make coarse crumbs. You can also season the dry bread crumbs by adding garlic powder, lemon jest, crushed pepper flakes, or herbs.

Fresh breadcrumbs are made at home by breaking the bread slices into small pieces and process in a food processor or a blender until they make coarse crumbs.

You can buy dry breadcrumbs at grocery stores and supermarkets, or buy them online at However, you can explore other online resources as well.
Turmeric Powder
Turmeric powder is a bright and deep yellow colored powder made by grinding dried underground stems of turmeric, which is starchy in nature. In India and some of its neighboring countries, turmeric in stem or powdered form has been used to color skin and clothing and to add color and aroma to food. It is also used as a pious powder during festivals and marriage ceremonies. In other parts of the world, turmeric is mainly used to add color and aroma to food. Turmeric has pungent and bitter taste but musky and mild fragrance.

Turmeric powder is made by steaming or boiling the underground stems in slightly alkaline water (measures above 7.0 on the pH scale) to precook the starch in turmeric. The alkaline water also improves the color of turmeric. Boiled turmeric stems are sun-dried and ground to make powder.

Turmeric powder is mainly used in curries, stir fried dishes, and dry rubs. It is also used in some spicy salad dressing and smoothies and drinks.

The compound called curcuminoids in turmeric is responsible for its yellow color and has antioxidant and preservative properties. Due to its antioxidant properties, use of turmeric in food helps prevent certain type of cancer, lowers cholesterol, lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases, and protects from Alzheimer’s disease. Due to its preservative property, use of turmeric in food helps in extending the shelf-life of food.

Turmeric has also been used in Indian and Chinese system of medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent to treat various conditions such as toothache, bruises, chest pain, and digestion problems. In addition, turmeric contains very good amounts of minerals like iron, calcium, potassium, manganese, zinc, copper, and magnesium.

Store turmeric powder in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dark, and dry place. At room temperature, turmeric powder will taste fresh for 4 to 6 months. Refrigerate it for a longer shelf-life of up to 2 years.

Turmeric powder is available in Indian and South Asian grocery stores. Some of the popular brands of turmeric powder are Nirav, Deep, SWAD, Spicy World, and Jiva. You may also find it in supermarkets or gourmet markets. It is available at online grocery stores such as, where you will be able to choose from several brands.
Chaat Masala
Chaat masala is a blend of certain spices that provides extra spiciness and tanginess to the savory dishes. It contains some basic spices found in every South Asian kitchen, such as coriander, cumin, and black pepper as well as some ingredients that are not commonly used, such as dried powdered mint, black salt, dried ginger powder, and dried mango powder. These spices, when blended together, create a distinctive flavor.

Chaat masala is very popular in the cuisines of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. It is used in a small quantity, along with other spices, to add more flavor to savory vegetarian dishes and marinades. You can sprinkle chaat masala on salad, lemonade, or even fruits for added zing.

You can buy kebab masala at Indian or South Asian grocery stores. The most popular brands of kebab masala are Shan, Everest, and MDH. It is also available at online grocery stores such as
Chaat masala is a blend of certain spices that provides extra spiciness and tanginess to the savory dishes. It contains some basic spices found in every South Asian kitchen, such as coriander, cumin, and black pepper as well as some ingredients that are not commonly used, such as dried powdered mint, black salt, dried ginger powder, and dried mango powder. These spices, when blended together, create a distinctive flavor.

Chaat masala is very popular in the cuisines of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. It is used in a small quantity, along with other spices, to add more flavor to savory vegetarian dishes and marinades. You can sprinkle chaat masala on salad, lemonade, or even fruits for added zing.

You can buy kebab masala at Indian or South Asian grocery stores. The most popular brands of kebab masala are Shan, Everest, and MDH. It is also available at online grocery stores such as
Paneer (Cottage Cheese)
Paneer (a Persian word for cheese, also spelled as “Panir”) is unaged cheese made by curdling boiled milk with lime/lemon juice, vinegar, or citric acid. Unlike other cheese, paneer does not require any animal product such as rennet for coagulation; therefore, is a great cheese option for vegetarians.

The method of making paneer by curdling milk with acidic/sour ingredient was introduced to India by Portuguese in Bengal (one of eastern states in India) in the 18th century. Paneer is popularly known as chhena or chhana in many parts of India. In addition to Indian cuisine, paneer is popular in the cuisines of Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan. It’s interesting to know that in Iran and Armenia, paneer refers to feta cheese.

Paneer has a mild taste and does not melt when cooked. It maintains its texture and turns golden brown upon frying, which makes it a great main ingredient for a variety of vegetarian savory dishes, such as such as Matar Paneer, Palak Paneer, and Paneer Tikka. Paneer is also used for making a variety of desserts such as Rasgulla, Sandesh, and Rasmalai.

You can make your own paneer at home or buy readymade paneer at an Indian or South Asian grocery store and at the supermarkets (such as Walmart and Whole Foods). You can also find paneer at Costco.

Steps for making paneer at home.

Making paneer involves three main steps:

1. Curdling milk to separate milk solid from whey (watery part of milk)
  • In a nonstick pot, bring 8 cups of whole milk to boil over medium heat. Stir the milk frequently to prevent it from burning.

  • As soon as the milk starts to boil, reduce the flame to low and add ¼ cup of lime or lemon juice.

  • Stir gently, until milk solid separates from the green whey.

  • Note: At this step, if milk does not curdle then add a couple more tablespoons of lime/lemon juice and increase the heat to medium.

  • Remove from heat and set the milk solid and whey aside to bring down the temperature from hot to warm.

  • In the meantime, set a strainer/colander in your kitchen sink and line it with cheesecloth.

2. Draining off the whey
  • When the milk solid and whey in the pot is cool enough, pour into the cheesecloth-lined strainer/colander.

  • Rinse off the milk solid with fresh water to remove the flavor of lime/lemon juice.

  • Hold the ends of the cheesecloth together to twist the milk solid to squeeze away extra whey.

  • Now tie the cheesecloth to your kitchen faucet to drain the remaining whey. Removing whey from milk solid will result into firm paneer.

3. Shape the paneer
  • Once the whey stop dripping from the cheesecloth in the kitchen sink, your paneer is ready, but not in a nice and solid form. At this point, the paneer will not hold a shape firmly.

  • Twist the paneer in the cheesecloth and give it a rectangular shape with your palms. Place the paneer with the cheesecloth on a wide plate, put another plate on top of it, and move this setting to the refrigerator. Make sure to keep the twisted part of the cheesecloth on the side.

  • Set a heavy jar or can on top of the second plate and leave this setting in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes. Your paneer is ready to use.

How to store paneer?

To store homemade paneer, wrap it in a moist cheesecloth and refrigerate it. Moisten the cheesecloth when it’s dry to prevent the paneer from drying out in the refrigerator. If you are using store bought paneer then keep it refrigerated and take out of the refrigerator 20 to 30 minutes before using.

Why should you eat paneer?

Paneer is a good source of protein especially for vegetarians who do not get protein from meat sources. Paneer is also rich in calcium and vitamin B that help in absorption and distribution of calcium in our body. Therefore, paneer helps in bone growth and prevents from diseases like osteoporosis and tooth and gum problems.

Paneer is high in protein but low in carbohydrate (protein to carbohydrate ratio is 14:3), which makes it safe to consume for weight watcher and people with health conditions like diabetes.

In addition to being a good source of calcium and protein, paneer contains zinc that is an essential mineral for many organs, such as brain and kidneys to function properly. Selenium, which is an antioxidant that prevents cell damages, is also present in paneer. It also reduces the risk of many types of cancer such as colon and prostate cancer.

Due to rich in calcium, protein, antioxidants, and certain minerals, consumption of paneer give you healthy skin, nails, and hair.

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